Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On Feb 18, 2008 10:48 AM, Santiago Gala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
outright FUD? Sorry but I don't think there is Fear, Uncertainty or
Doubt in this thread. There are several testimonies of good experiences

I feel there has been lots of FUD and if you don't realize that, then
I recommend taking a step back.

Please define FUD for us, will you? Because I haven't seen one single iota of FUD on this thread - it has stayed strangely on topic, with good arguments from both sides, and not once has the discussion gone into "SCM XYZ often ruins the code base by introducing strange bit errors"-style "half-lies" which is what I associate with FUD.
  A/k/a "The Microsoft Tactics" in regards to Linux.


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