Upayavira wrote:
Justin put it very well in a related thread elsewhere (permission

[ CHOP interesting adamant view from Justin ]
(Where is "elsewhere", btw?)

What I find strange in all this is the view that ALL projects at Apache would have to change to OtherSCM if one project would want that..

Indeed, I find the decision to use one single SVN repo for the entire organization's source pretty strange. I'd believe that one repo for every TLP, for example, would be great (AFAIK, TLP-promotion can be handled too with history preserved). This would help in every single aspect in regard to the volume of source and activity, could use multiple servers etc - and incidentally using another SCM for a particular project wouldn't be that big a deal anymore. The only downside I see is a slight bit more configuration management, and that copying/moving a file from one repo to another would not keep history that well. How often does this happen, though? However, I'm no SVN expert, so I can easily have misunderstood everything.


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