The Apache UIMA committers ask the Apache Incubator PMC for permission to 
publish a new bug fix
release of Apache UIMA version 2.2.2. This release contains bug fixes of for 
release version 2.2.1
that was published in December 2007. For details about the fixes, please have a 
look at the release

We had a vote on uima-dev that resulted in 6 binding +1s
(all the committers) and no 0s or -1s.  The vote thread
is here:[EMAIL 

Please review the release candidate here:

There are subdirectories like:
/bin - contains the binary distribution files
/src - contains the source distribution files
/rat - contains the RAT reports (using RAT 0.5.1) with some comments

The SVN tag for this release candidate is:

The KEYS file can be found in the SVN at:

Please vote:
[ ] +1  Accept to release Apache UIMA 2.2.2
[ ] -1  No, because....


-- Michael

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