> One main, significant difference between TDF and the ASF
> is that the ASF just releases source; TDF fills a *huge*
> and important part of the entire OOo end-user experience.
> I sincerely hope this is an easy to agree to.

This is a concise capture of a critical point.

TDF could decide to ignore us. They are honorable and committed
copylefters. They've worked hard since the fork. They have some
momentum. From their point of view, the arrival of this situation
could, perhaps, look primarily like downside.

Or, they could decide that the opportunity to harness the efforts of
some number of honorable and committed non-copylefters is an
opportunity not to be missed. It is very much up to them. We can be
nice to them and even send a box of asparagus (they are primarily

They could split the difference and choose to stand off for a month or
six and see whether the podling flourishes or flounders.

If TDF chooses to stand off, it will require heroic efforts to
maintain any sort of consumer continuity on the Apache side. A more
modest ambition would be to focus the podling on cleaning up and
hardening the build, test, and internal doc of the core code. Success
might lead to TDF adoption of that core. Or, what do I know? IBM has,
at times, had a vast number of people working on Eclipse. Maybe we're
going to need a special donation from them to hire 3 infra contractors
to respond to all the root@ requests for accounts.

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