> Apex

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   The project is still using the original Atlassian instance of JIRA.
>   INFRA-10144 has tracked the Apache JIRA migration request since August.

JIRA imports are non-trivial and Apex is not the first project to get
snagged.  I would expect a resolution eventually through interaction between
Infra and podling contributors or Mentors without requiring escalation to
IPMC or Board, but thanks for keeping the IPMC/Board informed.

>   Chris Nauroth (cnauroth):

>     I would like to request that the infra team prioritize completion of
>     the JIRA migration tracked in INFRA-10144.

Anyone have suggestions about the most constructive ways to for Apex to
pursue this?

> AsterixDB

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   The discussion on the use of an external Gerrit instance for code
>   reviews is considered to be resolved.
>   The current workflow ensures that
>   a) The ASF git repository is the canonical repository for the project.
>   b) Only committers can manually commit changes to the ASF git
>      repository.
>   c) All discussions on the Gerrit instance are sent to
>      notificati...@asterixdb.incubator.apache.org.
>   While it would be good to also have the Gerrit instance run on ASF
>   hardware, this is neither necessary to document the provenance of the
>   code nor to enable list members to follow and participate in the
>   activities of the project. Also, there seems to be no infra capacity
>   to provide a Gerrit service.

Thanks for the update, AsterixDB.  The broader issue is being discussed
extensively elsewhere within the Foundation.

Unfortunately most of the debate is on private lists (board@apache,
members@apache, operations@apache), which excludes stakeholders such as most
contributors to AsterixDB -- among many others.  Personally, this bothers me
quite a bit, as it clashes with what we claim are Apache ideals of openness.
Hopefully efforts to move the conversations public will succeed sooner
rather than later.

I suggest that interested parties subscribe to infrastructure-dev@apache,
since that is the public venue where some discussion has been taking place.
Discussions may also emerge on legal-discuss@apache or dev@community.apache.

> --------------------
> Blur
> Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data
> in a cloud computing environment.
> Blur has been incubating since 2012-07-24.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>   1. Greater community involvement.
>   2. Produce releases.
>   3.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>  - No
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>  - Subscriptions: user@ - 55[0]; dev@ - 70[+3]
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>  - A few additional features, and bug fixes.
> Date of last release:
>   2014-07-29
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>   2014-07-28
> Signed-off-by:
>   [ ](blur) Doug Cutting
>   [X](blur) Patrick Hunt
>   [ ](blur) Tim Williams
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:

This report yields very little insight about the state of Blur's community.
There are many excellent reports from other podlings this month; perhaps
Blur could look to them for inspiration.

> Climate Model Diagnostic Analyzer

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   The project is still in its nascence and the PPMC is still learning the
>   Apache way and moving out of JPL/CMU centric development. The project team
>   wants to do a good job they are just moving along slowly.

Thanks for the update, CMDA -- we look forward to continued progress.  It's
great to have you here in the Incubator, but please don't stay too long! ;)

> Cotton

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   Development of Cotton has largely been inactive for the last two months,
>   due to limited time from the original developer and community engagements
>   including MesosCon Seattle and MesosCon Europe.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>   There has been limited participation on the mailing lists and JIRA,
>   however a discussion on the private@ list was established about this issue
>   and there's a desire to keep the project in the incubator and be more
>   proactive in building community in the coming months.

Kudos for transparency, Cotton.  Hope that things go well -- building a
community takes hard work!

> DataFu

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   * Performing the initial release remains the most important milestone.

Nice report in general, DataFu.  This bullet point isn't really an issue that
the IPMC or Board needs to be monitor closely though.  For future reference,
it's fine to respond "No" or "None at this time" to this question.

> Kylin

> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>   Ted Dunning (tdunning):
>     There was a bit of confusion about the graduation vote (which passed,
>     but not unanimously). IPMC and Kylin project members are working to fix
>     the issues to the satisfaction of the IPMC member who voted -1.

I added the following note in response to Ted's note on Kylin:

  Marvin Humphrey (marvin):

    The issue that was raised by the IPMC Member voting -1 was acknowledged as
    legitimate by multiple IPMC members, and a plan of action was proposed
    which was endorsed by one of the Kylin Mentors.  So while there may have
    been differences of opinion about urgency, the matter has been guided
    steadily towards a constructive resolution.

The Incubator is between a rock and a hard place here.  Sometimes we get
criticism from Board members and other VIPs that the IPMC does not defer to
Mentors enough; other times, we get criticism for inadequate oversight.  And
sometimes we get both critiques come from the same source.

I think the best approach the time being (for those of us not in the "scrap
the Incubator NOW" camp) is aggressive mediation to ensure that Mentors and
others defending the podling are not overburdened.  It's easier to raise
doubt than to dispel it, so these conversations can be pretty frustrating.

> Signed-off-by:
>   [ ](slider) Arun C Murthy
>   [ ](slider) Devaraj Das
>   [ ](slider) Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>   [ ](slider) Mahadev Konar

Slider put in a decent report.  It needs Mentor signoff.

> TinkerPop

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   No. Recently, we have really appreciated Daniel Gruno's (mentor) efforts
>   to get our development community more connected by setting up an Apache
>   HipChat account for us and interacting with us in a more real-time fashion
>   on various procedures/policies of Apache in a proactive manner. This has
>   helped to explain to us (through doing) what is required of Apache.

Glad to hear that TinkerPop's contributors are feeling a little more at
home!  It's not clear that this passage contains an issue that needs
specific attention by the IPMC/Board;  I guess I'll comment that while
HipChat and other realtime communications are great, hopefully TinkerPop is
also mastering *asynchronous* communication, which is essential for ensuring
inclusive development.

> Signed-off-by:
>   [ ](tinkerpop) Rich Bowen
>   [ ](tinkerpop) Daniel Gruno
>   [ ](tinkerpop) Hadrian Zbarcea
>   [ ](tinkerpop) Matt Franklin
>   [ ](tinkerpop) David Nalley

TinkerPop's report also needs Mentor signoff.

Marvin Humphrey

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