John D. Ament wrote on 8/10/17 7:50 AM:
> Just curious, but how do we know which marks the ASF actually owns?  Rat
> isn't a TLP so I'm a bit surprised we own "Apache Rat", or is it simply
> implicit?

We claim that all Apache software *product* names are ASF trademarks:

In the US, once you are publicly offering a product using a consistent
name/logo, you can claim it as your trademark, no paperwork needed.  The
most important things are to have a consistent name, and to put the ™
symbol up or otherwise let the world know you claim it as a trademark.

Most projects are common law trademarks, which you can just claim as
your marks by doing so.  Some projects have registered (or applied-for)
trademarks, which give us far more rights but takes months of waiting
for the application process (and requires the PMC to ask).

As for "owns", that's a question that needs more clarification.  We
claim project names as our trademarks - so we own them.  But common law
trademarks have limited rights of control.  Trademarks only apply in
similar classes or kinds of goods, so saying "Apache Rat™" doesn't mean
that we could prevent everyone from having a software product called Rat
- only that they can't have a Rat software that would *be likely to
confuse users as to the source of the product*.

Does that make sense?

- Shane

> John
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 7:46 AM Shane Curcuru <> wrote:
>> (note mixed private/public lists)
>> General questions, since... we haven't actually had any discussion yet.
>> - Is there a particular hurry to bring this to pTLP faster than the
>> traditional general@incubator discussion period is?
>> - Has the Apache Creadur project been consulted about the new project
>> proposal, and in particular do they have any comments on using DRAT as
>> the name, which subsumes their popular Rat name?
>> - It's awesome to see ™ included in a proposal (most people forget), but
>> they're mixed up.  Apache should be ® (when needed; when talking about
>> individual project names it's usually not needed) and most project names
>> should be ™.  So it would be either Apache® Rat™ or Apache Rat™.
>> Thanks for filling out the rest of the proposal.
>> - Shane
>> Chris Mattmann wrote on 8/10/17 1:59 AM:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> Just as an FYI I've added a resolution to establish DRAT to the agenda.
>>> On item - 2 of the proposed PMC includes members without an Apache
>> account. What to do in this situation? If they start only as committers,
>> that's fine, but then we would create an account for them after the fact.
>> Is this the desire? If so I will update the resolution and we can VOTE them
>> in as PMC after the project is establish should the Board agree to do so.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>>> On 2017-08-02 10:35, Chris Mattmann <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Board-Chat@,
>>>> CC/Incubator@
>>>> We are proposing to bring DRAT (Distributed Release Audit Tool) to the
>> ASF.
>>>> DRAT is a parallelized version of Apache RAT that uses OODT, Solr and
>> Tika to
>>>> compute, visualize and interact with interesting statistics on code
>> auditing as
>>>> output by RAT and Tika. With DRAT you can:
>>>> • Audit large code repositories (has been tested in 100s of M of
>> lines of
>>>> code, and 1000s of projects)  where RAT fails to complete – an
>> example of running it across all of Apache
>>>> SVN is here: You can also see its
>> output
>>>> for a very large set of NSF funded geosciences code repositories here:
>>>> • Visualize and interact with the output from RAT and Tika in a
>> dynamic fashion
>>>> • Get incremental status from code auditing
>>>> • Audit individual code repos and integrate the results into your
>> project
>>>> DRAT was funded by DARPA, NASA, the NSF and other government entities.
>>>> We have prepared a preliminary proposal here:
>>>> We are working on flushing it out more, should be done by this weekend.
>> We propose
>>>> DRAT to be a straight to TLP (pTLP). I will add a resolution into the
>> Board agenda for August 2017
>>>> for its consideration. I am CC’ing the Incubator so that we can
>> potentially attract new contributors
>>>> both seasoned and junior to the project. We also welcome any
>> contributors from Creadur interested
>>>> in learning more about OODT, Solr, Tika, etc. Also any Wicket gurus –
>> we are using Wicket for one of
>>>> DRAT’s key user interfaces, Proteus.
>>>> OK, thanks!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Chris
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>> - Shane


- Shane

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