Jon Stevens wrote:
> Shame on Struts for not using Turbine's Connection pool. That makes
> me very upset because this was something that Craig promised would
> not happen (that there wouldn't be much major duplication in Struts
> as in Turbine).
> Even Cocoon uses Turbine's Connection pool and we put a lot of effort
> into making a build target for Turbine that allows you to only build
> the turbine-pool.jar.

Not so fast.

Cocoon1 uses a back level version of Turbine's Connection pool.  An
incompatible interface change was made in Turbine, and they have not kept
up.  See:

Cocoon2 does not use Turbine's Connection Pool.  Take a peek at:

I'm not sure why there isn't more reuse going on within Jakarta, but my
_theory_ is that the cost associated with versioning issues exceed the
costs associated with dual maintenance.

Interfaces need to be deprecated for a period of time before they are
removed.  This applies even to the simple movement of a constant from one
class to another.  See:

Consumers of these interfaces need to take deprecation warning seriously.

Without some attention to versioning issues, any CPAN initiative would be

- Sam Ruby

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