On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

| > Were you (Jon) the front figure in that rejection too, hurling shit in
| > every direction, handing out your minus one before knowing what you were
| > talking about?
| Actually, Jon was pro...

I've understood this by now, I kind of just threw that out there.. Just
for the fun of it. Didn't hit.. To bad..

| Me and Stefano were against since we didn't like Mark Fleury... Before
| JBoss moved over to SourceForge (before SourceForge even existed) Jon
| was hosting all their CVS and mailing lists...

I'm just thinking that Jakarta having a full-fledged J2EE environment
would have been really _really_ cool.

But apparently not. People hate each other too much. How sad.


| > It's just that Jakarta seems to be accepting and rejecting according to
| > what you - the *main* man - want..
| Actually, not... The list of people is here
| <http://jakarta.apache.org/site/whoweare.html> under the PMC section... But
| given that we're working together since a veeeery long time (some of us
| since 97), 90% of the times we simply agree on most topics...

Sounds like a nice, open structure, always glad and happy for new
thoughts, ideas and ways of doing things.


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