Alex McLintock at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Project X is written  because it is useful to Company Y.
> Company Y attempts to market Project X because they think it is useful to
> others.
> Company Y decides they wont get enough money for Project X
> Company Y offers Project X to the Opensource community.
> What's wrong with that?

Nothing, but from a community standpoint, the ASF would rather incorporate
projects that are not backed up by a self-sustained open-development
community... Look at our last addition, Log4J, it was an IBM project, they
dumped it, Ceki forked it, build an open-source community around it, and
then we "inglobated" it under Jakarta (and it was a good addition)...

I actually don't care about the code... The code could be the crappies one
ever, but if the community behind it is good, it gets my preference over a
magnificent piece of code with a non-existent or screwed community...


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