> That is because I don't see a way to fix the problems and I'm not sure I
> have the energy to actually go through with it anymore.

Did you ever run or walk a Marathon? Or just 20 Km?
Or swim 10Km?

It is one step (or stroke) after the other or you get too tired just by
thinking about it.

> I haven't seen you give any positive initiative's either. People say I
> contribute a lot around here. Why does it always have to be me?

It does not have to be you.

And I do not have to give a new idea since:
 - Sam's idea looks good enough for checking code style and nagging the

 - Stefano work on Forrest might improve a lot the site. It will take a
   couple of months for xml.apache to talk jakarta into it, have a couple
   of flame wars, adapting tools and layouts, etc... 
   But the first step is taken and we all just need a bit of good will;
 - Someone already suggested (sorry, forgot whom!) having a search engine
   to help on finding information in Apache.
   Obvious solution, placing at the Jakarta home page:
     - A REALLY VISIBLE LINK TO http://search.apache.org/
     - A simplified version of the form in that URL.
       (It is simple to shorten that form so that it only searches in
        Jakarta, or xml.apache, or Jakarta + xml.apache, etc.

   Even if this did not exist (and considering the problems of putting 
   Lucene on an Apache BSD server) we could even use Google!
   It looks like they are keeping their indexes on Apache up to date 
   (the new home page is indexed) and they have a free solution:

So, I think there are already a few solutions for the most immediate 

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Scott Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 3:00 AM
> on 1/7/02 5:10 PM, "Paulo Gaspar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I see you crying a lot over this but no POSITIVE initiative.
> That is because I don't see a way to fix the problems and I'm not sure I
> have the energy to actually go through with it anymore.
> I haven't seen you give any positive initiative's either. People say I
> contribute a lot around here. Why does it always have to be me?
> -jon

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