on 1/29/02 4:42 AM, "Endre Stølsvik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> | Example?  Stefano pushed to get POI in, and there was *huge* pushback.
> At least heavy from Jon, as I remember it.

I wasn't about to accept a half assed proposal. Is there anything wrong with

The POI team took our feedback, re-worked things and re-submitted their
proposal. As a result, I was also one of the first people to vote +1 to
their new proposal. I give that team major props for not taking things
personally and simply improving their game. You might be able to learn
something from them.

Endre, you clearly have a personal bias against me. If you would like to
continue to express it, you are free to do so. However, your complete lack
of contributions around here, other than expressing your bias against me, is
making you look like a baboon. Put up or shut up.

p.s. If you are ever in Berkeley, I would be more than happy to buy you



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