On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Jon Scott Stevens wrote:

| Endre, you clearly have a personal bias against me. If you would like to
| continue to express it, you are free to do so. However, your complete lack
| of contributions around here, other than expressing your bias against me, is
| making you look like a baboon. Put up or shut up.

Take it as a voice from the oppressed people (especially newcomers, that
is) which don't dare to talk out loud! And from the potential, maybe even
cool, new projects which could have benefitted both the "customers" and
the developers of Jakarta, but which won't ever try to come here because
of the hostile environment which some persons make...


| p.s. If you are ever in Berkeley, I would be more than happy to buy you
| dinner.

Cool, thanks! Call me if you come to Norway!
  (I studied a year ('99/'00) at UCSB. I actually have some friends
("people I know" ;) up there, so maybe it'll even happen! ;)


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