On Tue, 2002-02-05 at 03:14, Peter Donald wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:38, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> > > Are you upset at the way Java is being handled by SUN?
> > >
> > > Do you feel lied to about the fact that SUN is still keeping Java
> > > proprietary even after they promised us for *years* that it would be
> > > standardized?
> > >
> > > Are you looking towards .NET/C# as an alternative but still optimistic
> > > about Java?
> >
> > Heck no.  .NET/c# why would I want to use an even more proprietary thing
> > to get back at SUN?  Heck no.
> You sure it is more proprietary? I believe our PMC head actually sits as head 
> on one of the standardization efforts for C#s core libraries. With the recent 
> change to BSDL/MIT licensing with one of the opensource runtimes things are 
> starting to look interesting.

Can I run it on Linux?  Will a WORKING non-broken version ever run on

> Technically there are things about C#/CLR/etc that are far superior to Java 
> (much better meta-data support, no JNI pain, a nicer GUI setup, support for C 
> based languages, etc) and theres also things that suck (hard to optimize 
> bytecode, crapola linking model, etc).

True, but if past predictors continue to hold, there will never be a
version that runs reliably on another platform.  And windows is a very
crappy platform.  (I can do Solaris, UNIX, I prefer Linux but I can cope
with other good OSes)

> *if* there was an open, semi-stable platform then I am sure a fair chunk of 
> people would flock to it - especially if it is under a nice license like MIT 
> that both the BSD and GPL people seem to like. 

BUT THERE WON'T BE!  That's the kicker.  If we're just talking about
Java alternatives, I'm falling more in love (from a distance) with the
"D" language.  It needs bytecode, etc (but I think the platform should
evolve in the language perhaps but separately from it)

> I don't think Sun will lose on high-end or the embedded device market but 
> everywhere else I think is debatable ;) A lot of people I know who are java 
> advocates have seriously looked at swapping to C# - at least for the desktop. 
> Given how weak the C# runtime is now (at least compared to java) this I find 
> interesting. 

Microsoft people will of course switch to it.  People who need serious
servers will need something that runs on UNIX.  

> If JDK1.5 comes out in time with all its very kool features I think Java 
> still has a fighting chance ... maybe. If the J2SE was opensourced then it 
> would almost win by default. However Sun is nowhere near as agile as MS - 
> still too much of a slow hardware company - so they will almost certainly 
> fall down in that area. 

So far I'm unimpressed with what has been added to 1.4 in the period of
time its taken.  Mostly "candy" no meat.  

> It will be interesting to see how IBM reacts. They have some damn fine VM 
> people there, if they were to go the C# path and bring along all the Linux 
> peeps then .... who knows ;)

I've never had much luck with IBM's JDKs.  I seem to be the guy who
always runs into some horrible bug.


> -- 
> Cheers,
> Pete
> "You know what a dumbshit the 'average man' on the street is? Well, by
> definition, half of them are even dumber than that!"
>                                       J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
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