> It [gcj] had some minor issues ( required few changes, inner classes are 
> tricky even for jikes ), and few bugs in class loading - but I was
> able to get everything working. 

Yes, it can be annoying to get things working.  I think it's partly
incomplete implementation of features in gcj, and partly that Java
projects are written primarily for conventional JREs.

> The good/bad news - it's was as fast as IBM JDK1.3 on linux
>  ( which is the fastest - on my setup ). Beeing as fast as 
> the fastest is usually good news, but I was hoping a bit more :-)

Rumour has it that gcc 3.1 will be substantially better.  I am not
involved enough to know how true this is, but I think a lot of Java
specific optimisations didn't get done until after the 3.0.x branch.


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