On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Jon Scott Stevens wrote:

> One other question:
> Is there a valuable performance enhancement to compiling to native code with
> gcj?

Right now - no, I couldn't notice any significant difference while running
tomcat. It is as fast as IBM JIT ( and faster than hotspot ).

However it start much faster, and get to the peak performance
sooner ( since all optimizations are already done ). 

Another nice thing is that all the java code is actually compiled
to .so - and fully interoperable with C++ ( for C you need to 
deal with the mangling ). That's very similar with C# and .net
languages, and it's not bad at all. 

GCJ can be a very good answer to .NET, with a bit of work
it may allow the same language independence ( GCC already
does a lot in this direction ). 


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