Yeah, for instance, I was once interviewed for a contract to hire gig at
Microsoft.  (This was circa '97 prior to my involvment in Java).  Had I sold
my soul, would I still be able to be a member of Apache?

While I do not subscribe to the jcp ot apache det org mailing list due to
the NDA contractual obligations surrounding it (hear no evil, see no evil,
and therefore speak no evil), what if Jon said "Hi Andy, fellow member, here
is the scoop on whats going on with JSR-1234" or moreover what if he didn't?
Maybe I'm tainted by merely speaking (electronically) with Jon due to his
indemic taint of JCPness.  So then I go back to work at M$ and start hacking
on I dunno ASP or something.   Sun gets wind of it and says "HEY ASP is
stealing our stuff (though we stole it from them)"

Or since the JCP seeks to create a spec for everything, what if I work for
some other company which say puts out anything to do with "Micro" devices
(pdas, etc) or portals.  Am I a potential object of litigation just through
my association with Apache and Apache's association with the JCP?

I'd sure feel a lot less fear, uncertainty and doubt if all my fellow apache
members weren't under NDAs carrying around tainted knowledge which is
proprietary of Sun. It seems an open process would sure make the JCP  a
whole lot more appealing.

But then.... I'm weird like that.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Henri Yandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jakarta General List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: nice

> On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> > We have 'infiltrated' it.  The ASF is a member of the J2SE/J2EE
> > executive committee (I am the current representative), and we have many
> > members (and non-members) participating in various JSRs.
> Yeah I know. Thus my questions as to whether Apache/you should/could be
> saying anything against the negative views of the JCP.
> > FYI - Through the significant efforts of Jason Hunter, the previous JCP
> > rep, and others (Chuck Murko, for example), the ASF was instrumental in
> > fostering change in the JCP process, and will continue to do so.
> This is about all I do hear regarding ASF/JCP.
> > There is a JCP mail list, but because of various non-disclosure
> > agreements made by the ASF, it's limited to ASF members, who are bound
> > by the same agreements.  If there is sufficient interest in an open JCP
> > discussion list, I'm sure we can set that up.
> Just the FAQs. Like, does Apache have a non-profit membership? So that
> anyone who is an ASF member is able to be on multiple JSRs, or are you all
> members via your companies?
> As a member through Apache, does that cause any legal contractual issues
> with employers?
> Hen
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