On 5 Feb 2003, Jason van Zyl wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 14:29, Nick Chalko wrote:
> >
> > ------------
> >
> > I hope to have a proposal started on the Wiki tonight (PST).  The Maven
> > repository
> > has been an essential tool for me for me.
> > The next step is to play nice with gump.
> > Then do help with dependencies
> > Also to make it easy for projects to "brand" themselves with version and
> > dependency information.
> This can be done with Maven already. We have got a grip on generational
> transition, transitive dependencies and evolution. The non-trivial part
> is the collection of the information. The tools are present and I don't
> mind splitting them out if they want to be used elsewhere.
> > I think Apache can grow a world class solution from the seed of the Maven
> > Repository.
> >
> I don't actually see why any project can't use the Maven repository
> right now.

I don't yet either.

http://www.generationjava.com/jars2/ is a maven repository.

If I put Jakarta Commons-Lang there, am I breaking the Apache licence in
some way by re-distributing Lang?

If not, then the only thing I could see being wrong about ibiblio would be
that an ASF project, Maven, uses it as its default repository. Which
doesn't seem wrong, but might have some bad aspect I don't see.

The Sun licence stuff on there is more quesitonable. I figure as long as
ibiblio are aware they are liable, and that they have happily accepted
that liability, then it doesn't matter. Or do they pass the liability on
to the individual who set it up, [Jason?] ?


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