Jason van Zyl wrote:
On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 14:45, Henri Yandell wrote:

The Sun licence stuff on there is more quesitonable. I figure as long as
ibiblio are aware they are liable, and that they have happily accepted
that liability, then it doesn't matter. Or do they pass the liability on
to the individual who set it up, [Jason?] ?
I removed them this morning and will remove any other JARs that are
brought to my attention. Sam named JAF, JavaMail and EJBs so I removed
those. I just got off the phone and I got a clear answer as to what
Apache could be liable for. If Maven, being an ASF piece of software, is
party to illegal assembly then the ASF could be liable. This I did not
think was the case as the JARs were not on ASF hardware but that doesn't
seem to matter. So the Sun violations can't happen anymore. Now we just
have to deal with LGPL and GPL issues.

All I ask now is that developers in Jakarta, particularly those involved in tools such as Maven that are a critical part of a number of build processes and involve the automatic downloading of dependencies, do a self assessment for license violations.

Do NOT simply wait and be reactive on this.

- Sam Ruby

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