On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Michael Davey wrote:

> Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
> >No, my original intention was derived from just this simple question:
> >"Why doesn't each subprojects' left-side navi point to the *appropriate*
> >section in mail2.html?"
> >
> >
> I was dead against this when Tetsuya first raised the issue, but I think

Like Danny, I still am.

> I am coming round to Tetsuya's way of thinking.  Perhaps ezmlm could be
> changed so that the confirm subscription and welcome email messages
> start with some text similar to that used on the mail.html page.

I'm sure it could. But people would completely ignore that text. That's
exactly the point of having mail and mail2 separated as they are.

>  Additionally, the -dev lists could warn that -user should be used for
> questions including developer questions, where appropriate.  Some Apache
> lists already do one or both of these, but many don't do either.

You mean the lists themselves, or the people on them? The struts-dev list
gets a fair number of messages that should have been sent to struts-user
instead, and it's really pretty annoying. The more we can do to get people
to use the right list in the first place, the better.

> Hopefully few novices will be inclined to post to a list without first
> subscribing

They may subscribe, but they are also likely to ignore any instructions
they are given, even if those instructions are repeated at the end of
every message to the list. How many times have you seen "unsubscribe"
messages on lists whose message footers include the instructions?

> (I know that many here do post to lists to which they aren't
> subscribed, which is fine as they aren't new to the community, so they
> know what to do and what not to do).

>  In any case, I don't think we can
> protect ourselves completely from fools ;)

Sad but true. ;-(

Martin Cooper

> --
> Michael
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