jakarta came round to having two pages for mail subscriptions after having years of regular problems with people joining the lists who had no idea about how to behave. the pages are user unfriendly but the old solution (ie publically and vocally humiliating posters on list) was worse (since it discouraged many lurkers with valuable opinions from speaking out for fear of being shot down in flames).

i don't think that reading through a page of instructions is too much to ask for the benefit of the community not having to waste time and energy shooting down ignorant and disruptive posters. one proof that this policy works is that the last occasion that i can remember this being necessary was with somebody who'd subscribed via news.

i would support a move of the other information on the deeper page (about the archives, for example) to a better location. i'd also be happy to support some alternative system (maybe using ezmlm) which was equally effective. i'd also support any sub-project who was happy about being listed on the front page being moved there.

- robert

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 10:50 AM, Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 20:02:57 +0100
"Danny Angus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was dead against this when Tetsuya first raised the issue,
I'm still dead against this, and likely to remain so until someone
can explain to me why it would be better than what we currently have.


Current pages are user-*un*friendly:
My proposal is user-friendly:

*user* means "future developer", who might devote to the
jakarta activities and the ASF activities in the future.

I can not find any good reasons to keep current pages unchanged,
in other words.


Please see Andrew and Henri's comments. These implied the *reason*
what you wanted, I think.

What we have is (as far as I'm aware) the result of responding to the
actions of people in respect of the mailing lists, and intended to reduce
the amount of brain-dead misuse. I'd worrry that changing it would
re-introduce problems.

I am not sure whether all the subscribers have read the guideline completely and have respect to mailing lists.

If they are wise enough and given that people had read mail.html page,
would not have dead linked pages * at all*, I think.
(This page is now linked by site/mail.html, as you all can see.
And .. sorry I do not use any mail clients/ servers created by MS, so
I won't/can't apply any changes to this page)

Also, I am not sure whether it would re-introduce problems. Aren't
there any alternative method which fulfill these two? :
1.  Keep User-Friendli-ness
2.  Avoid Trouble
I suggested various approaching methods in the past. Probably,
there might be much *better* way.

If there is an issue with lists being hard to find, or instructions
unclear lets hear it.

*chicken* and *egg*. Who felt hardness to find *appropriate list* won't come to this list and can not comment to your line. You'll not be able to hear their voices.

it takes at least 10-30 seconds to find the *appropriate*
lists out even though using *Ctrl+F* at current site/mail2.html.
What would happen after directly, simply indicating the *appropriate*
lists??? (again)
e.g.   http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail2.html#general


I think the policy of Apache (Jakarta) might have had "A Patchy"
spirits, providing experimental space for all the people.

There are no reason for letting the beginners feel unease, enforce
them to wander off and get lost in the jakarta desert.
Why not adopting "Easy to entry: Learn more here" approaching method??

I am trying to reduce the user-*un*friendli-ness from jakarta gradually..


-- Tetsuya ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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