> Make release managers the default stewards

Not every subproject has a clearly defined release manager. In Struts, we are even starting to have multiple people collaborate on the release manager role.

The key to oversight is persistence. Since it is not possible for every committee member to be personally aware of what's happening in every subproject, we need regular reports from someone who does -- just as the board needs regular reports from each chair.

We don't need for subprojects to have a "chair", but we do need someone to tender regular reports as to the subproject's status. The keyword being "regular".

The person making these reports should already have a working knowledge of the subproject and be able to report based on what they already know. Of course, what they know is based on reading and understanding the traffic on the lists.

Ideally, the DEV list moderator should also be someone who is plugged into the subproject. So, instead of starting out by creating two roles with overlapping responsibilities, I'm suggesting we try extending the list moderator's role first. List moderator is the only persistent role that must already exist for each subproject's DEV list.

In some cases, we may need to have different volunteers fulfilling each role. But, personally, I like to try making do with what we have before running out and creating something new.

I also don't want to get bogged down with finding a steward for each subproject. The DEV list moderators are there, so let's use them. If a list moderator doesn't want to steward, then I'm sure they can find someone who does. Hey, we all friends here. :)

The key point is that the chair, and its PMC, need consistent, reliable reports, so that the chair can report in turn to the board. We need each subproject to fulfill the responsibility of regular reporting by whatever means necessary. We also need to push that responsibility down to the subproject. The people working in the subproject are the only ones truly aware of its status.

Should we encourage subprojects to "elect" a steward? No. AFAIK, we don't elect roles like list moderator or release manager. People just step up and offer to do the job -- as it should be. But if a subproject wants to a elect a steward, or a list moderator, or a release manager. that's their business. All we need is for the job to get done.


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