On Tue, 30 Dec 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

> ----- Original message ---------------------------------------->
> From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Jakarta General List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Received: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 16:05:11 -0500
> Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Proactively encourage TLP status
> <SNIP/>
>  >I never understand why you keep doing this. There is no 'schism'
>  >between the PMC and the community, and no one is proposing it.
>  >I hate to "appeal to authority" because the ASF charter does provide a
>  >healthy bit of freedom for any given PMC, but for example, if we want
>  >to follow the model of the httpd project, from which the ASF bylaws
>  >were fashioned, and I know you are a vocal proponent of the 'ASF Way',
>  >it is my understanding they invite committers onto the PMC after some
>  >time after receiving committership when it's clear that is appropriate
>  >for that person. Committing != oversight.
>  >There are people who are committers that may not wish to participate on
>  >the PMC. We want everyone to, but if they aren't *interested* in doing
>  >it, putting them on the PMC achieves nothing, and actually, IMO,
>  >weakens the PMC. There are all sorts of valid reasons to not want to
>  >be on the PMC, I suppose, and we should never stop inviting that
>  >person.
>  >100% should be the goal, not the requirement.
> ----
> The "schism" is that the PMC did not elect our committers. In the normal
> course, the body that elects the committers also decides which
> committers (or other interested parties) merit inclusion in the PMC.
> However, Jakarta has not done things in the normal course. The PMC did
> not select most of the committers: the subproject communities did. And
> when our community selected the committers they expected that these
> individuals would be the ones actively managing the codebase. The
> community expected these individuals to have the rights and
> responsibilities we now abscribe only to the PMC.

This doesn't seem quite right to me.

I agree that when we have voted in a new committer, both the existing
committers and the new committer have had the same expectations with
respect to their rights and responsibilities *within the sub-project*.

While those rights and responsibilities may be the same ones that apply to
members of the PMC, the domain over which they apply is very different.

I don't think it would be right to turn around now, and tell a committer
on sub-project X "oh, by the way, you're now part of the PMC and that
means that you are (collectively) responsible for all of Jakarta". That
doesn't meet the expectations *I* originally had at all, when I first
became a Jakarta committer myself.

Foisting additional responsibility on committers doesn't seem like the
right way to go, to me. Allowing - even encouraging - them to take on
the additional responibilities of a PMC member would fit much better with
*my* original expectations, at least.

Martin Cooper

> I believe from the ASF perspective
>    committing==voting
> and
>    committing==oversight
> Every time a committer commits, they vote for the code they commit. Most
> often, it a vote subject to lazy consensus, and in rare cases it might
> not be binding. But, it is vote nonetheless.
> Every time a committer commits, they either donate code to the ASF or
> facilitate a donation, and they incur the obligation to ensure, to the
> best of their ability, that this is IP that can be donated to the ASF.
> If we have a committer that does not accept these obligations, then a
> misunderstanding has occurred, and such committers should step down. The
> ASF does not grant write-access lightly. I think people understand that.
> In the normal course, virtually all ASF committers are PMC members,
> because its the committers make the decisions and do the work.
> It is true that on occasion an ASF committer will not yet be member of
> the project PMC. Their votes may not be binding, and their commits will
> be scrutinized by PMC members (which is to say other members of the
> development team). But, in due course, the PMC that made them a
> committer also makes them a member.
> When our community elected all of our committers, it was with the
> understanding that they were the ones with binding votes, that they were
> the decision makers, that the Jakarta Committers were, in practice, the
> Jakarta PMC.
> In my humble opinion, it is the duty of the PMC to now ratify the
> decisions our community has already made. Since we now know that the PMC
> is *not* a steering committee and is in fact the active managers of the
> codebase, we are obligated to finish the job our community started: give
> the committers the legal rights and responsibility that we always
> believed they already had.
> Make the committers the PMC, because they are the only true PMC that we
> have ever had.
> Each and every one of our committers have earned their stripe. They have
> all proven to the community that they are thoughtful, responsible
> self-starters capable of managing our codebase on the community's
> behalf. These are the individuals that have been creating, maintaining
> and releasing the products we all cherish. These are the individuals
> that have been doing the true work of the PMC.
> Where things have gone wrong, they have gone wrong because we were still
> using a "bootstrap" PMC that excluded all but a few of our decision
> makers. I'm sure that there are Jakarta committers that would be
> unwilling to serve on a "bootstrap" PMC, but serving on a true,
> inclusive PMC may be a different matter.
> Right now, the only plan seems to be to nominate committers one-by-one
> on the PMC list. I'm just saying that we shouldn't play favorites. I
> believe all Jakarta committers have already earned membership in the
> PMC; we should tender the offer to every Jakarta committer and let each
> decision-maker decide for himself or herself.
> If the consensus is that the "bootstrap" PMC will continue to hand-pick
> which of our duly-elected committers are promoted to the PMC, and which
> are not, then so be it. But, personally, I think that process is nothing
> but busy work. The community has already decided. Let's ratify the
> community's decisions and let Jakarta be whatever Jakarta wants to be.
> But 'nuff said, I have a release to co-manage :)
> -Ted.
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