On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 10:18:29 -0500
Ted Husted wrote:

> If Struts does graduate to a TLP, I would update the wiki page based
> on our own experience (if someone doesn't beat me to it) and post a
> link to all the DEV lists. (Unless, of course, the growing consensus
> changes and the PMC decides to do such a thing itself.)

Hmmm. "Apache Struts" brand would be cool. Why don't you choose it?
"Apache Tomcat" is more cool.
"Jakarta Commons - ORO/ECS/REGEXP/BSF would be cool"

"Apache Turbine" ... like avalon -- OH, great. Why don't you?

> As for the rest of it, I've said my piece, and I'm happy to let Darwin and Consensus 
> decide.

Haha, Darwinism is not perfect. You must give the chance to the
losers :-) (Maybe Brain model would be perfect :)

I'd like to know the barriers for you/us/them. Could you please
let me know?

Thanks a ton.

-- Tetsuya. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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