On Wed, 2005-06-22 at 14:40 -0700, Phil Steitz wrote:


> Interpreted literally, 17 goes against standard practice in jakarta (or 
> apache, to my knowledge, other than in the incubator).  I would 
> recommend that new packages require existing committers to support them. 
> I would at least recommend changing "Anyone" to "Any apache committer." 
>      If an individual has already contributed enough to be voted in as a 
> committer, then that should be done in a separate VOTE.

this certainly doesn't reflect the current practise in the jakarta
commons. though anyone can propose a new component, they really won't
have any chance of winning a VOTE unless they have the support of
existing committers.

there is also the issue of the incubator: any new component bringing
code from outside apache would need to be incubated.

is 19 needed in addition to 15?

- robert

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