In reading through this all, I have a concern that it will be difficult for any outside code to come in. Indeed it has proven difficult for many people I have spoken to to get code into any Commons project (although I myself had some things accepted, so clearly it is not impossible).

What is the general feeling in terms of where the code comprising this package will come from? At least, the largest portion of it? Is the idea to take parts of other Jakarta and/or Apache projects as the source material, or is it to put more of an emphasis on outside contributions? The former sounds much more like the current Jakarta Commons concept, the later is something else.

As someone who would like to contribute, I wouldn't want to see anything that makes that more difficult embraced. Just curious what everyone else is thinking...


robert burrell donkin wrote:
On Wed, 2005-06-22 at 14:40 -0700, Phil Steitz wrote:


I guess 18 refers to the sandbox? I do not understand what the intent of this is.

is boils down to the question: does this subproject need it's own
sandbox or will neophyte components start in the jakarta commons

- robert

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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