
I am deploying the PAX Web Jetty Bundle (and other bundles) to get PAX Web.
I can set the majority of properties through the OSGi Configuration.
I just need one more, the Confidential Port on the HTTP Connector in order
to *hopefully* trigger automatic redirection for CONFIDENTIAL web

The only way I can see of doing this is via the jetty.xml configuration
file, which can be referenced in the OSGi configuration.
However, try as I might, I cannot see a simple way of just setting the
Confidential Port.

I have seen examples online setting the HTTP port, and so set the file up
as follows

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
        <Set name="confidentialPort">8453</Set>

Of course that class does not even have a setter that matches, so I can see
why that fails.

There just aren't any examples of someone using the Get element to drill
down to the connectors.

Can anyone shed any light, please. Does the lack of examples mean that I
must bypass the entire HTTP Connector configuration from the OSGi
configuration ?

Thanks for any help


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