Sam Ruby wrote:
> Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
> >
> > One way to make things more apparent would be to pull the SOAP project under
> > the Axis project (or vice versa). It also might help to provide some
> > indication on the Web site that SOAP and Axis are in some way related to
> > each other. Note that on the main page, Axis is listed
> > in the left column of projects, but it's not listed in the main text (which
> > implies that it isn't an XML sub-project?). (XML Security doesn't appear to
> > be a sub-project either). What this means is that unless someone knows to
> > look for Axis, new-comers will automatically go to the SOAP page and never
> > find the Axis project. There's no mention of Axis either in the SOAP project
> > description on the main page or on the SOAP project page.
> >
> > It would be useful to have some verbage on the project pages that ties the
> > SOAP and Axis project together -- perhaps a single project page that lists
> > the ongoing SOAP projects. This approach would also easily accommodate
> > another SOAP project (e.g., WASP).
> Or come up with a new name for us to bring together these projects (i.e., a
> fresh slate).  Such an umbrella under a PMC is not without precident, see
> Jakarta's Avalon and Turbine projects.  We could also discuss factoring out
> portions that are potentially common to mulitple code bases (e.g., JAX RPC,
> Wsdl2Java, etc.).
> The one thing I want to insist is to have a single -dev list in order to
> facilitate the building of a community.  Multiple -user lists can are fine.

I like this: one subproject, one -dev community and as many
distributions/codebases/CVS-modules as you decide.

Now, since Axis is already there, why don't we use Axis as such

This would:

1) give you more freedom to accept new donations, yet removing the
perception that one codebase gets more visibility than others.

2) Axis is a technology-neutral name. It also "suggests" for many
orthogonal directions to cover up the solution space.

3) It has an established and diverse dev community.

So imagine the entry in

 Apache Axis aims to implement the software that let you 
 enable web services.

Simple, clean, visible, immediate and politically neutral.

Then it's up to the axis-dev community to accept donations, refactor
code, create revolutionary schedules, manage technology litigations and
so on.

And let me add: out of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" which is way more
general than a place to discuss about web services.

This said, it's obvious that this project should also try to come up
with a way to let the two web-services players (UDDI/ebXML) talk and
collaborate, at least on a technical basis. Apache is and *MUST* remain
politically neutral, otherwise people will change their perception of
our technical excellence.

Stefano Mazzocchi      One must still have chaos in oneself to be
                          able to give birth to a dancing star.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             Friedrich Nietzsche

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