Haas Wernfried wrote:
>>>There is no way to force it on them and firing them is not an option.
>>Why not?
> You're not serious, are you?
> These people have dedicated a lot of work to the forums and
> Gentoo. They are doing a great job. Why fire them?

Noone wants to fire them. They want to join the staff, so they have to
accept staffing requirements.

Is it *really* such a PITA to read that quiz and write proper answers?
Isn't that kewl email alias @gentoo.org sufficient reward for an hour of
reading docs and writing answers?

You (the Global Moderators) want to join the staff, okay, so let's write
several answers and everyone will be happy. If you won't moderate the
forum for one hour and write the answers instead, you'll get it.

IMHO "you" are just making a mountain out of a molehill.


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth

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