On Mon, 27 Jun 2005 19:09:41 +0200
Haas Wernfried <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> With reference to the recent thread about this GLEP's draft [1]
> we're resurrecting the discussion and would like keep you updated
> on the latest changes:
> 1) The term developer has been dropped and replaced by staff. ;-)
> 2) The GLEP is now listed on the GLEP page as GLEP 38 [2] as an
> official GLEP.
> 3) The moderators guide is available (Curtis already posted that to
> the list, just a reminder to have a look at it as well). [3]
> Now would be a great time for everyone to read it and give us some
> feedback. 

ok, looks like the current hot topic is that not all global moderators/
site admins want/can become staff members for unspecified reasons.

(the GLEP says that everyone wanting to become a staff member has to
take the quiz, so I take that as a given)

Currently I'd be interested if there are any solid numbers how many
global moderators/admins want/don't want to get staff status? 


PS: I'm ignoring the national forum moderator issue on purpose for now.

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