On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 08:42:44 -0400
Michael Cummings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Vlastimil Babka wrote:
> > Are you people serious? Let's ban nondevs from bugzilla then? Close
> > #gentoo, disband PR, etc? Not sure if we can keep any sponsors
> > then...
> ...or devs...
> Seriously, no users == no community. Why? Because devs don't get along
> with each other well enough to qualify as a community. It's really the
> untold masses that make Gentoo a community. What's one of the top
> resources cited as the greatness of Gentoo? The wiki. Which isn't even
> official or sanctioned, but that is instead run largely by the
> community at large.
> Bah. This entire debate is extremely disheartening. How many devs out
> there sprung from the ground pre-formed, and how many started out as
> users in the community? *That* is the pool from which we draw our
> ranks, from which we get our support and direction. This elitist
> attitude is what drives the rationale devs to be hermits and just
> answer to their small piece of the pie - because we don't give two
> figs about who's ego is mightiest, just that we are producing
> something useful that makes us happy, without breaking things for
> those dependent on us, the users.
> Talk like this, especially from people I respected, makes me question
> just what its worth to keep going. If Gentoo is only about the devs,
> well, I'm happy with the way things are now, they work for me, so no
> sense in working any further on perl-land.

I think you're misinterpreting those statements.
Consider if you have choose if you spend your time implementing a
feature that you personally want to have or one that a user wants (and
is of no use to yourself), which one would you choose, assuming that
both have the same cost?
It's all about priority, nothing more, nothing less.


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