CRAN (like CPAN, Gems etc for GNU R) has a rather interesting way of
specifying licenses:

    License: GPL-2
    License: GPL (>= 2) | BSD
    License: LGPL (>= 2.0, < 3) | Eclipse Public License

Is this something worth pinching for a future EAPI? If we go with the
postfix [] form for ranged deps, it'd translate into:

    LICENSE="=GPL-2" (or equivalently, LICENSE="GPL[=2]")
    LICENSE="|| ( GPL[>=2] BSD )" (or equivalently, ">=GPL-2")
    LICENSE="|| ( LGPL[>=2&<3] Eclipse )"

One thing that would need to be decided:


Would that require an = prefix? To simplify things, we could say that
*only* the postfix [] form counts for licenses...

Ciaran McCreesh

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