Christian Faulhammer wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Is this something worth pinching for a future EAPI? If we go with the
>> postfix [] form for ranged deps, it'd translate into:
>>     LICENSE="=GPL-2" (or equivalently, LICENSE="GPL[=2]")
>>     LICENSE="|| ( GPL[>=2] BSD )" (or equivalently, ">=GPL-2")
>>     LICENSE="|| ( LGPL[>=2&<3] Eclipse )"
>  This is hardly readable, in my eyes at least but I am older than 25
> now.  I think it is not really necessary (overkill), but I haven't
> heard anything from other people yet.
>> One thing that would need to be decided:
>>     LICENSE="GPL-2"
>> Would that require an = prefix? To simplify things, we could say that
>> *only* the postfix [] form counts for licenses...
>  To have backwards compatability...yes.
Could this not simplify to <license><version-spec> where version spec is
either a simple -ver prefix as with GPL-2 (meaning only GPL-2) or a postfix
range specifier? IOW allow the existing usage since its meaning is clear
and it's easy to parse.

I'd also be in favour of an implicit = so that GPL[>2] would cover the most
common usage. After all, in the realm of licensing it makes no sense to
have eg GPL[>3] mean anything after, but not including 3, since the new
version must be specified before usage for it to mean anything legally.
(Otherwise how is a user to know the terms of the license being referred

Overall though I like it; GPL[2|3] (from other post) vs '|| ( GPL-2 GPL-3 )'
sounds nice as well.

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