Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> One of the GLEP's primary goals is to provide a global use flag
> definition and over-ride
> it with a local definition.  How does putting all flags in use.desc
> and over-riding local flags in
> use.local.desc not accomplish this?

It does, and maybe that's what we should use instead?  The reason for
the email is to figure out if what we have now is good enough, or if we
should switch to something else.

> How does the glep intend to handle USE_EXPAND?

It doesn't say anything about them right now, but since you brought it
up...any ideas? :)

Mark Loeser
email         -   halcy0n AT gentoo DOT org
email         -   mark AT halcy0n DOT com
web           -

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