On 04/03/2010 06:25 PM, Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto wrote:
> On 03-04-2010 09:50, Petteri Räty wrote:
>> I don't think later is valid resolution. If there's a valid bug it just
>> means it's never looked at again. If the bug is not valid then a
>> different resolution should be used. So what do you think about
>> disabling later? 
> I disagree. Resolved LATER is useful to some maintainers that want to
> fix that bug, but don't have time or don't find the issue to be a
> priority at the moment. By marking it LATER they're acknowledging the
> bug exists and needs to be taken care of.

What is the benefit with this instead of keeping it open until they find
time? I doubt for example bug days take LATER resolved bugs into account
or user are likely to search for them when trying to find something to
work on.

>> I would like to avoid things like this:
>> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113121#c21
> You've chosen a terrible example as in that case the resolution is
> accurate. The forums team didn't find that issue to be a priority and
> doesn't have the time to deal with it. As the bug was open for years
> without any progress, we chose to close it as LATER. If someone else
> wants to step up and take care of it, great.

Yeah there's probably better examples out there but that's what sparked
me to think about this so I went with it. From a recruiter perspective
the need to tie to LDAP is still there so the issue isn't gone.


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