Arun Raghavan <> said:
> On 22 June 2010 00:40, Mark Loeser <> wrote:
> > Its quite simple.  I want to get innovation starting in Gentoo again.  I
> > am tired of seeing pointless arguments and threads that don't actually
> > make Gentoo any better.  Improving QA, improving our documentation,
> > making it easier for people to recognize how they can contribute, and
> > improving Gentoo as a whole, are all things that the Council should be
> > taking an active role in, and I want to be a part of making that happen.
> Do you have any concrete ideas on how you will be doing these things?

We already have some people very active in QA working on tinderboxing.
I'd like to continue to have their work done, and try to expand on the
work they are doing to have it run on other architectures.  I've already
successfully got an ia64 donated for this.

We clearly have people that are interested in working on documentation,
but in wiki format.  I want to learn more why they are invested in that
format, and if there is some middle ground we can work on.

Its been a long standing problem that it seems people don't understand
how to become part of Gentoo.  I'd like to see the Staffing Needs page
better advertised, and update the How to Become a Developer guide to
help direct people to possible mentors.  Having a team of people outside
of the recruiters that are interested in mentoring new people, and how
these new people can get in touch with them would be cool.

I just think that the Council should take a somewhat active role in
trying to keep things moving.  There is a lot of good work going on, and
people seem to feel they are blocked for some reason in a lot of cases.
The Council should be there so we can keep progress moving forward in
whatever way we can.  Our devs do a lot of good work, and I want to do
my part to make sure they never feel they are hindered from doing that
work, and if they are, figure out how to address that issue.

Hope that helps,

Mark Loeser
email         -   halcy0n AT gentoo DOT org
email         -   mark AT halcy0n DOT com
web           -

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