On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 06:00:00PM -0500, Matt Turner wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to begin stabilizing packages on MIPS. I've gotten acks from
> Redhatter, leio, and r0bertz, and Kumba doesn't really care.
> What's the best method to go about doing this? Stabilize the system
> packages, then remove ~mips from ACCEPT_KEYWORDS in the profiles?

I'd be waiting until you can do an `emerge system` and come up with a
contemporary build without, before dropping ~mips from the profile.

At the moment, I think if you were to try it now, you'd be told it can't
be done because of packages being masked by unstable keywords.

> Should we target package versions that aren't stabilized on other
> architectures yet, so that we'll have an extended testing period
> before they'll come up for stabilization? That is, can I plan to make
> gcc-4.5.1 or something the first restabilized version of gcc, go ahead
> and begin testing it, and be ready for stabilization when toolchain
> requests it?

I'd certainly aim for the highest available version... as by the time we
get ready to keyword it, it'll be the highest stable version, perhaps
one version behind.

I've been experimenting with KDE 4.5.3 ... or rather, it was 4.5.0 and
in package.mask when I started... then I hit issues with qt-webkit that
seem to be binutils related.  Now that I've got that sorted, I've only
now just got KDE built and installed... and it looks as if I'll be doing
rebuilds of it to try and chase out some bugs.

That said, don't focus all your attention on the bleeding edge, be
prepared to take a step back.  At my old workplace, I recall porting
kernel git HEAD (2.6.35-rc? at the time) to an ARM platform and
experiencing various issues... I moved back to 2.6.34 and the problems

I'd sooner be one version back and stable, than bleeding edge and
constantly falling over.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)      .'''.
Gentoo Linux/MIPS Cobalt and Docs Developer  '.'` :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   .'.'
http://dev.gentoo.org/~redhatter             :.'

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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