On 22:04 Thu 11 Nov     , Matt Turner wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:55 PM, Stuart Longland <redhat...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> >> STMicroelectronics MIPS systems (Lemote, Gdium, etc) are becoming more
> >> common, and we should definitely do a better job supporting them. (I
> >> should mention that I've been loaned a Yeelong by Daniel Clark, of
> >> freedomincluded.com, to fix up the siliconmotion driver.)
> >
> > Interesting... I've found Zhang Le's overlay includes a quite workable
> > siliconmotion driver which runs fine on my Yeeloong.
> >
> > The only catch is that one must compile it with -march=loongson2f in
> > CFLAGS... -mips3 (my preference) won't do.
> The main purpose of my project here is to write a kernel modesetting
> driver. Apparently lots of FSF fanatics use Yeelongs entirely from the
> terminal, so the potential for faster console scrolling speed is
> somewhat appealing to them. ;)

KMS! cool!
I don't have much experience on that. But if there is anything I can do, I'd
love to help.

> > Out of interest... did you get around to those n32 stages at all?  I'd
> > like to get some of my old SGI kit up and going, some of them will need
> > a complete reinstall... so I may as well do that using n32 from the
> > outset.
> >
> > My O2 can remain o32 for now since it was the one still standing after
> > all this time.  The others, the userland is broken/stale to the point of
> > uselessness.
> I tried again last week to make n32 stages, but have had a terrible
> time with catalyst.
> The main problem I run into is that I can't get catalyst to
> acknowledge any package.keywords files (which as I understand might be
> by design), so I'm unable to put together a stage from the versions
> I'd like to stabilize. Are your recent o32 stages straight-up ~mips?
> Can you post your spec files somewhere?

My way was to keyword those ebuilds and put them in my overlay. Not decent, but
works. -_-

Zhang, Le
Gentoo/Loongson Developer
0260 C902 B8F8 6506 6586 2B90 BC51 C808 1E4E 2973

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