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On 06/07/11 17:09, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 07, 2011 16:47:29 Dane Smith wrote:
>> To be perfectly blunt, no small part of what caused this current fiasco
>> was this exact attitude. I don't like the current policy either, it's
>> far too wide. However, if you go back and look at why it even *got* to
>> council, it was because you (and others), decided that they weren't
>> going to give any regard to the requests of some of their fellow devs
>> about ChangeLogging removals.
> how is this relevant at all ?  i dont find value in these entries, other 
> people do.  my attitude towards how worthless they are has 0 bearing on the 
> policy towards creating it.

There never would have been any such policy had people been a little
considerate of the requests of others. This could have ended like so:

Dev y: "Hey dev x, can you please ChangeLog removals please. I find it
very useful."
Dev x: "Sure. I don't see use in the information, but if it's going to
make your job easier, I'll try to remember to do it."
Dev y: "Thanks!"

Then this never would have even gotten to council, council never would
have passed the current policy, and we never would have gotten to the
bloody crapfest that it is now.

I personally want people to heed my requests. The only way that will
work is if I try to heed others. The only way to work in a community is
a little give and take.

>> You and I both know that a removal can (and sometimes does) cause breakage.
>> These kinds of changes are things that your fellow devs (as well as many
>> users) would like to see in ChangeLogs. I do *not* think that this is an
>> unreasonable request. I find it to be a little.. inconsiderate I guess, when
>> any developer fails to heed a reasonable request from another developer or
>> user. I know I personally try to accommodate people if they ask me to do
>> something slightly differently to make their lives easier. Why is it that
>> you can't do that? Is running echangelog (or hell, scripting something) for
>> a removal really that hard or undesirable? Can you really not spare the
>> extra 10 seconds? I mean, come on.
> if you want useless information, then automate it.  there's no reason at all 
> to not do so.  i prefer to keep useful information in the changelogs of 
> packages i maintain without cluttering up with noise.

Just because you deem it useless doesn't make it so. If someone else
sees use in the information, I fail to see why it is such a huge deal to
log it. Even if for no other reason than to make someone else's life a
bit easier.

And yes, it should be automated. I agree. Doesn't change the current

- -- 
Dane Smith (c1pher)
Gentoo Linux Developer -- QA / Crypto / Sunrise / x86
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