On 08/24/11 12:31, Thomas Kahle wrote:
> Hi,
> On 18:16 Tue 23 Aug 2011, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
>> there is one important aspect of your program that really needs to be
>> documented (and comments in the code are not enough):
>> What data exactly is the client sending to the server?!
>> What you need is basically an easy-to-find file / web page / ... where
>> this is explained concise and in simple words. As long as that does
>> not exist, your program will not find much acceptance.
> You may look at the files README and FAQ for Ubuntu's popularity
> contest: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/
> If we could get their turnout rates, that'd be great.

If you sneakily add something to cron.daily by default you can get
pretty nice coverage. But I guess anyone trying that in Gentooland will
meet some rather unpleasant resistance :)

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