On 13:03 Wed 24 Aug 2011, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 24 August 2011, 12:48:35 schrieb Patrick Lauer:
> > 
> > If you sneakily add something to cron.daily by default you can get
> > pretty nice coverage. But I guess anyone trying that in Gentooland will
> > meet some rather unpleasant resistance :)
> > 
> Of course, we could place it in some blatantly obvious way into a default 
> configuration, together with a big fat message what it does and how to 
> quickly disable it. 
> We'd get better coverage in an opt-out system than in an opt-in system.
> (First idea- package is pulled in by a default-on useflag and installs itself 
> into cron.daily. BEFORE it runs the first time it outputs said message and 
> asks for permission to proceed (which cannot be done in the cron job 
> obviously but we'd find a way).)

Sorry, but NO.  If you want you can make a big noise message that asks
users to install the cron-job but opt-out is not an option here.

Thomas Kahle

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