On 21/12/2012 17:16, Peter Stuge wrote:
> Leave the account but simply block access. One example implementation
> is to move the SSH key to another location, and have a lightweight
> method to move it back in place, with an absolute minimum of human
> interaction and required time. Done.

I love how people always suggest 5-minutes fixes without understanding
anything behind what they would like to fix/improve.

Hint: Gentoo Infra does not use ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

It's not to say that the proposal to limit access doesn't make sense,
but ...

> If someone has at some point contributed to Gentoo then why not let
> them keep their user around, should they want to come back. Of course
> this doesn't work retroactively, but I think it would be a cool tip
> of the hat to current and future developers.

... the users generally are kept, and locked, but also one of the things
that is done is archiving their home directory on dev.g.o as it might be
taking quite an amount of space.

But besides, as others said, one of the main concern is making sure that
the developers are up to speed with current procedures, which is why
they are requested to go through the quizzes again — although this
usually ends up being quite simple.

I get to speak about that as somebody who retired, and was then
re-instated. Going through the cycles was less bothersome than just
growing the motivation to get back to Gentoo, so I can't see the point.

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes
flamee...@flameeyes.eu — http://blog.flameeyes.eu/

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