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On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 10:50:00AM +0700, wrote:
> I've followed all the instructions successfully (I think). By the way, the 
> following lines need a small correction:
> perl_ldap -b user -M gpgkey <gpg-id> <user>
> perl_ldap -b user -M gpgfingerprint <gpg-fingerprint> <user>
gpg* attributes are multiple-instance, and have correct instructions in
listing 3.3 of ldap.xml. I fixed the misleading listing 3.9, that was
from when gpgkey was still single-instance.

> But my first attempt to do a signed commit has failed:
Your GPG agent is broken/missing.

Maybe a good idea to check for agent sanity before trying to use it?

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
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