On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Mike Gilbert <flop...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> If you manually write your own configuration for GRUB2, it is no more
> convoluted than for GRUB Legacy.
> If you use grub-mkconfig to generate a configuration file, you can
> append the init option by setting
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" in
> /etc/default/grub.

Not all the Gentoo users are as skilled as you (a developer). Having a
programmatic, bootloader agnostic way to swap /sbin/init is useful for
the reasons I explained. Yet I haven't read any solid reason not to do

> Either way, it's pretty simple.

If it's that simple, why on earth do we have all the eselect modules we have!?

Extra modules:
  audicle                   Manage /usr/bin/audicle audio engine
  bashcomp                  Manage contributed bash-completion scripts
  binutils                  Manage installed versions of sys-devel/binutils
  blas                      Manage installed BLAS implementations
  bzimage                   Switch bzImage default kernel by updating
/boot/bzImage symlink
  cblas                     Manage installed CBLAS implementations
  cdparanoia                Manage /usr/bin/cdparanoia implementation
  chuck                     Manage /usr/bin/chuck audio engine
  ctags                     Manage /usr/bin/ctags implementations
  ecj                       Manage ECJ targets
  editor                    Manage the EDITOR environment variable
  emacs                     Manage /usr/bin/emacs version
  env                       Manage environment variables set in /etc/env.d/
  esd                       Select esound daemon or wrapper
  etags                     Manage /usr/bin/etags implementations
  fontconfig                Manage fontconfig /etc/fonts/conf.d/ symlinks
  gnat                      Manage the installed gnat compilers
  gnome-shell-extensions    Manage default settings for systemwide
GNOME Shell extensions
  infinality                Manage the /etc/fonts/infinality/conf.d symlink
  java-nsplugin             Manage the Java plugin for Netscape-like Browsers
  java-vm                   Manage the Java system and user VM
  kernel                    Manage the /usr/src/linux symlink
  lapack                    Manage installed LAPACK implementations
  lcdfilter                 Manage the /etc/env.d/99lcdfilter symlink
  lightdm                   Switch between LightDM greeters
  locale                    Manage the LANG environment variable
  maven                     Manage Maven targets
  mesa                      Manage the OpenGL driver architecture used
by media-libs/mesa
  miniaudicle               Manage /usr/bin/miniAudicle audio engine
  modules                   Query eselect modules
  mpg123                    Manage /usr/bin/mpg123 implementation
  mpost                     Manage /usr/bin/mpost implementations
  news                      Read Gentoo ("GLEP 42") news items
  notify-send               Manage /usr/bin/notify-send implementation
  nxserver                  Manages the configuration of NX servers
  oodict                    Manage the configuration of dictionaries
for OpenOffice.Org.
  opencl                    Manage the OpenCL implementation used by your system
  opengl                    Manage the OpenGL implementation used by your system
  package-manager           Manage the PACKAGE_MANAGER environment variable
  pager                     Manage the PAGER environment variable
  pdftex                    Manage /usr/bin/pdftex implementations
  php                       Manage php installations
  pinentry                  Manage /usr/bin/pinentry implementation
  postgresql                Manage active PostgreSQL client
applications and libraries
  profile                   Manage the make.profile symlink
  python                    Manage Python symlinks
  qtgraphicssystem          Manage the system-wide active Qt Graphics System
  rails                     Manage Ruby on Rails versions
  rc                        Manage /etc/init.d scripts in runlevels
  ruby                      Manage Ruby symlinks
  settingsd                 Switch between settingsd implementations
  sh                        Manage /bin/sh (POSIX shell) implementations
  sndpeek                   Manage /usr/bin/sndpeek audio engine
  sysvinit                  Switch between sysvinit implementations
  timidity                  Select default system patchset for TiMidity++
  unison                    Manage /usr/bin/unison versions
  vdr-plugin                Manage VDR plugins
  vi                        Manage /usr/bin/vi implementations
  visual                    Manage the VISUAL environment variable
  wxwidgets                 Manage the system default wxWidgets profile.
  xvmc                      Manage the XvMC implementation used by your system

Why aren't we telling people to just edit config files!?

Fabio Erculiani

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