On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 7:19 AM, Ben de Groot <yng...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> I vote for a simple
> Bug: 333531
> If it is going to be any longer than that, then you need to make sure
> it is part of the commit message template magic. Because I'm surely
> not the only one who is lazy and thus averse to typing anything longer
> for the most common use case: Gentoo bugs.

++ laziness

I don't mind it being a URL, but stick the header in the template (way
easier to delete it than to type it),

If it is a URL, please make it whatever is already in my browser
address bar.  A nice shorthand URL looks pretty but it isn't so pretty
if I have to edit it instead of just hitting copy/paste.  When I'm
fixing bugs I have the bug open in a browser already, since the next
step after committing the fix is going to be closing the bug.

Otherwise, I really don't care.  "Bug" gets the job done.  I haven't
seen any recent proposals that include the "X-" but that is one thing
I'd definitely avoid per the RFC.


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