>>>>> On Fri, 16 Mar 2018, Martin Vaeth wrote:

> Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> I think the conclusion is that github generates tarballs on the
>> fly, and therefore we cannot rely on them being invariant over a
>> long time.

> So I would not worry too much about it: It is not worth the cost of
> hosting a huge number of tarballs permanently

I agree, because hosting tarballs of upstream packages is not a task
for us as a distro.

> (or to convince upstream to let them be hosted by github for every
> single version, only because one cannot theoretically exclude that a
> similar thing won't ever happen again). [...]

In the first place, upstream should make proper releases, which
includes creating a pristine tarball and permanently hosting it.
So, yell at them if they don't. And no, a git tag is not a release.


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