On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 10:24 AM, Andreas K. Huettel
<dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2018, 18:42:32 CEST schrieb Paweł Hajdan, Jr.:
>> Just checking back here - what would be the best way to graph number of
>> bugs with given assignee, preferably with historical backfill?
>> I'm not necessarily looking for something ready to use right away. If
>> there's some work to be done or code to implement, I may be willing to
>> do so.
>> Paweł
> Hi Pawel,
> some graphs already exist (and I'm doing it the dumb way, ask me about the
> details if interested). E.g.,
> https://www.akhuettel.de/gentoo-bugs/arches.php
> Feel free to send me any e-mail addresses you want on a similar page; it's
> fairly easy to add. I'm only adding fresh data, though, so if I dont have it
> yet your line will start today.

Please add mips@ and x11@. Thank you!

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