пн, 20 апр. 2020 г. в 16:51, Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org>:
> Except that Haskell as a research language tends to inspire more "fire and 
> forget" software.

I'd say this is not the case for the last few years, but that's maybe
just my own impression from interacting with

> (And Haskell works better in Gentoo than anywhere else, in my opinion.)

Totally agreed here. That's one of the main reasons I run Gentoo
(especially before dev-haskell/stack emerged upstream a few years

> You package each dependency as a separate package. If there's a conflict
> between two packages, then... you can't have those two packages
> installed together. When that happens, you alert upstream, and try to
> convince them to be more lenient with their dependencies (again, nothing
> Haskell-specific here). Sometimes that involves code changes, but often
> it's just an edit to the cabal file. Many people follow either semver or
> the PVP (https://pvp.haskell.org/) which keeps things from getting too
> far out of control.

I'd say the Haskell-specific thing is the presence of stackage LTS
releases that people tend to stick to. For instance, beam-postgres
disappeared in recent LTSes, so some projects of mine are stuck on
older LTSes (adding that to extra-deps was a pain for reasons I don't
remember at the moment), while the others can happily use the new
ones. Libraries incompatibilities are just a matter of time in this

Sure, hacking on .cabal/package.yaml is one way to solve this, but I
wasn't sure it's reasonably robust in the long run.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback. This probably means I should stop
thinking about the general case and maybe start playing around with
packaging stuff, and then seeing where it breaks.

> If upstream absolutely insists on minor-version dependencies, then you
> either tolerate it conflicting with everything else, or leave it out of
> the tree. You probably shouldn't even be packaging a library whose API
> is distinguishable across minor releases.

That's not a matter of just the API per se. Even the library file name
encodes its deps in its name (if I understand correctly, that's the
hash in libHSregex-base-
for example). Personally I just find it hard to reason about this sort
of dependencies management. But, again, I should probably avoid trying
that and just jump head first to packaging.

> I don't see anything fundamentally different here
> between Haskell (or Go, or...)

Dunno much about Go and I don't have a single Go package locally to
check. Do they do static or dynamic linking with the deps, for
instance? What's the language model wrt API and linking?

> and C.

More stable API (and ABI).

  Georg Rudoy

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