On 2003.08.04 11:46, Terje Kvernes wrote:
Chris I <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I had to go through a bit of trouble to get my synaptics touchpad
> working. It wasnt hard, it was just different than with 2.4 -- it
> threw it into a ps/2 compat mode, which i thought was how the device
> normally worked, wheras I had to change it to use a different mouse
> driver and protocol.

  bah.  lucky bugger, I'm one of the people who have the issue of
  Synaptics support being detected, but not being there.  I had to
  remove Synaptics support from the kernel to make things work.  :-/

In the kernel I used there was no synaptics option, but there was in the mm-sources which I am not currently using.

What i did was set the mouse driver to "synaptics", the protocol to "event", and the device to "/dev/input/event0". This works like a charm.

cat /dev/input/eventX to find out which event interface to use. None of the mouse movements registered in the /dev/input/mice metadevice. Maybe the synaptics option fixes this, but why bother when this works perfectly fine.

-Chris I

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