Colin wrote:

> Just some questions about partitioning and filesystems... my boot
> partition (/dev/hda1) will be ext3, and I've got a gig of swap
> (/dev/hda2).  Then what?

You are on the right track.  10G should be good enough for most system
partitions, just keep on eye on /usr/portage/distfiles to make sure it
doesn't consume all of the space on your root volume.  And reiserfs is
the best choice for '/'.

I would also suggest making a /var partition or LVM volume of 2-5GB. 
/var serves as the gentoo build space, as well as temporary file space. 
Thus the /var directory will experience a lot of file creations,
modifications, and deletions, so it is best to keep it isolated from the
rest of the system to cut down on fragmentation.  This filesystem should
also be reiserfs, for performance reasons.

You might also create a /tmp partition of 1-2G.

As for the media space (I'll call it /media), I don't think it
particularly matters what filesystem you choose here.  It doesn't sound
like you will have more than a few thousand files there, and they will
not be updated very often, so xfs, reiserfs, and ext2/3 are all suitable
choices.  Access time and throughput are not usually a problem for these
types of files due to system and application buffering, so I would
suggest /media be placed last on the disk so it occupies the inside (and
slowest) cylinders.  FYI, I have most of my media files on an external
4200rpm USB2 drive.

The rest of the disk should probably be /home, and again, I doubt you
will be able to notice a difference in the various filesystems for this
space.  You could combine /media and /home, but then you can't really
mount it read-only.

[Slightly Off Topic]
With the current journaled filesystems for linux, it really doesn't make
sense to talk about 'data-integrity'.  Corrupted files are just as
possible on reiserfs, xfs, jfs, and ext3 as they were on ext2.  This is
because, AFAIK, all of the current filesystems journal the filesystem
meta-data only, so if the system crashes, the filesystem can repair
itself.  The filesystem makes no guarantees about repairing the files it
contains.  Reiser4 is one of the first to attempt file data journaling
as well, but AFAICT, it is still fairly unstable.


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