On Thu, 12 May 2005 12:47:36 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:

>    As for proceeding with the emerge world operation I don't think
> there's any particular order you need to go in. The order shown is the
> was portage would handle it if you let it do it as one big group. I
> often opt for doing 5-10 packages instead of kicking off the world
> operation. In that case I'd do it in the order shown before:
> emerge -pv --newuse grep net-tools kbd binutils-config binutils

Doing it this way will mess up your world file. Most of the packages in
the list are dependencies that should be in world themselves. Installing
them explicitly with emerge adds them to world, with the result that if
you uninstall the package that required them in the first place, they
will remain as useless cruft on your system and not be cleaned out by
emerge depclean.

If you want to pick individual packages from "emerge -upv world" for
merging, merge them with the --oneshot argument to prevent them being
added to world.

Neil Bothwick

Q: Why do PCs - even modern ones - have reset buttons on the front?
A: Because they come with Microsoft operating systems.

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